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Grading Policy

Physical Education is a majority performance-based course.  As such, the majority of a student’s grade is derived from their active participation in the classroom setting.  For this reason, students need to actively participate in class activities to receive credit towards participation portion of their grade.  In order to participate, students need to be in class and dressed appropriately.  Students can maximize their scores by active participation, engagement in skill development, and demonstrating appropriate sportsmanship and social behaviors.


Each day students will have a maximum value of 5 points

·5 points for Dress/Highly active participation in the content/activity

·4 points for Dress/Active participation in content/activity

  • 3 points for Dress/Some participation in content/activity

  • 2 points for Attendance/minimal participation

  • 1 point for Absent from class - *Students can make-up points for excused absences if approved by teacher!

  • 0 points no dress/no participation

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